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About this book

No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies is a book by the Canadian author Naomi Klein. First published by Knopf Canada and Picador in December 1999,[1][2] shortly after the 1999 WTO Ministerial Conference protests in Seattle had generated media attention around such issues, it became one of the most influential books about the alter-globalization movement and an international bestseller.

Throughout the four parts ("No Space", "No Choice", "No Jobs", and "No Logo"), Klein writes about issues such as sweatshops in the Americas and Asia, culture jamming, corporate censorship, and Reclaim the Streets.


Our interpretation:

This goes without saying: we based our visual language on this book design; both for .calibre and for killthelogo. What better way to undermine the power of brands than by ignoring brand protection. We're sure Mrs. Klein would agree. The content of this book is exactly what we were translating to the larger public in 2001-2004. The perfect bridge between Chomsky and the public. An important book. 

The title of this book also inspired the idea of creating an anti-logo, meant as a tag to cover and brand-shame other logos OR as an attention marker to help expose hidden agendas. But you can also use the 'V' for Vendetta tag if that is more to your liking. Anything goes.